Before getting into the actual blog post for today, I would like to take a moment to discuss the blog overall. This post marks my 50th! It has been more than six years since I started this blog as a place for me to put down my thoughts and chronicle my journey in the SCA. Over the last year, I haven’t been as active in the SCA as I would have liked to have been, but writing here has really helped me stay on top of research and improving myself even when I couldn’t get to events. I would like to thank everyone who shares these posts, and all of you who read and comment… the interaction helps me improve my writing and decide what topics I need to get into. It has been a ton of fun, and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings!Recently, I was approached by someone who wanted to get into the SCA specifically for combat archery. During my time as Hospitaller and Seneschal for the Shire I put a lot of work into honing a good overall speech of what you need to get started in the hobby. Combat archery is a little different, and early period makes it even further removed from the “normal” idea of coming into the hobby as a fighter. This inspired me to write this post, first looking into what an archer from the Nordic countries might have used or looked like in the 8-10c, and then how this would translate into gear to get involved in the SCA.
The Way of the Bow- Northman Style
Most of the time, when we picture the savage Northmen going aviking, the bow isn’t what comes to mind first: we have a mental image of giant warriors swinging large axes or broadswords, but that![]() |
Depiction of Ullr on the Boksta Runestone. |
Since there is plenty of evidence that bows existed and were common during this time, the question then becomes how were they used, and what types of bows did we see. We’ll explore the latter a little later in the blog when we discuss equipment for archers. For now, let's discuss use. Evidence points to bows being primarily a tool for hunting. When used in combat, we see it most often discussed as an opening volley for mass combat, or as a means of attack during naval engagements. In the Sagas, arrows account for less than 5% of all attacks that we see. Now, the Sagas primarily discuss small combats, but this still gives us a decent idea of how bows were used in regards to fighting. Oddly enough, the most specific use of a bow as a weapon rather than a tool was actually done by Gunnar when defending his home. This gives me the idea that the bow was stored in the same way as other weapons, close at hand in the event that it is needed for defense.
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Artists depiction of an archer in the 7-9c. |
then jump in themselves, similar to the way Yeoman in the SCA work.
Armour- Viking Age soldiers were very limited in armour, according to our finds. Leather wasn’t common enough for leather armour to be prevalent, and mail was very costly. I would imagine that your average warrior had a helm, and maybe a padded coat of some nature, but there is little evidence of that. In the 11c, all soldiers were required a helm, but mail shirts were usually only for the leader of each warband or elite units.
Secondary Weapons- By the 11c, there were attempts to standardize the equipment of the Nordic soldiers. The basic weapon for everyone was a spear, and it is easy to imagine that most warriors would also carry a long seax. In the sagas, axes were also a common weapon, so a hand axe as a weapon on the belt of an archer wouldn’t be too far off from the possible, and they have the advantage of also being tools.
Bows- We have one complete extant bow that was found at Hedeby. It was ~72in long, just over 6ft, making it what most people would call a longbow. Like the English bows, many people are accustomed to seeing it was made of yew. Based on other fragments that have been found, bows were between 60-80in long. I would think that, since bows were personal tools that were brought along to war, it is quite likely that they varied a ton from person to person based on height, strength, and draw length. We even see evidence of this in the sagas were Einar complains about the king’s bow being too weak.
Quivers- There are no extant quivers for the Viking Age. We have some scraps from Hedeby that have been listed as remnants of a quiver, but nothing solid. The word for quiver appears in the sagas, and is said to have been carried on the back.
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Collection of 7-9c Arrowheads. |
arrows of the type used for big game probably being better.
Recurve Bows and Crossbows- Recurve bows and crossbows both fall into either outside the actual time period for the Viking Age, or outside the general area that the Norse were in. Crossbows were present in the Norman army at the very end of the Viking Age, so you could have a later Norse persona with a crossbow. Recurve bows were used by many cultures the Norse interacted with, so there is no reason a persona couldn’t have taken a fancy to one. Neither of these weapons would have been common or the norm.
A Viking Age Combat Archer
In the SCA, we are all about research and the creation of a persona. Towards that end, let's discuss what type of person a Viking Age archer might have been. The most likely circumstance in my mind is that a person who uses a bow as their main weapon was a hunter who has come along to the raids, or is defending their homeland. This person would be equipped a little differently than your standard warrior.Armour- SCA combat archers have all the same armour requirements as heavy fighters, which means that you need to have rigid protection for your kidneys, floating ribs, wrists, hands, elbows, forearms, knees, throat, and head. For more specifics on what that means, check out either my article on armour ( or your local
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Illustration of the Hedeby bow. |
In my opinion, the best way to handle armour for an early period combat archer would be to make as much of it as hidden as possible, and to wear close to minimum armour. This will give the overall look of someone without access to a ton of metal armour. I could see an argument being made that, if the archer is a hunter, they might have more access to leather, and some sort of leather armour being used, but it isn't supported historically. I’d find it reasonable, but the choice is up to each person. The one thing I will comment on is that for an archer, visibility is a hugely important part of choosing a helmet. Make sure you can see out of whatever you buy.
Bow- The best thing I have seen for representing a longbow on the field is a youth fiberglass bow. They tend to be a little short, but the draw weights fall within the rules, and they are really sturdy. The last thing anyone wants is to spend money on a really nice longbow only to have it damaged when a piece of siege ammunition hits it.
Arrows- SCA combat arrows are very specific in their design to maximize the safety and durability of the arrows. These blunts can be purchased from many different shops, but I have always been a fan of Sir Erika and Northstar Archery. That could just be Trimarian bias though! Combat archery arrows are made from rubber heads with a fiberglass shaft and a plastic anti-penetration device as the fletching. Most retailers would give you the option of buying them made or as kits. If you don’t have a local combat archery marshall to help you learn the right way to do it, I would suggest buying them made so that all you have to do is label them.
Quivers- This to me is one of the most difficult parts to get right about a combat archery kit. The bulkiness of the blunts and rules about fallen ammunition mean that you really want a good quiver. The best pattern I have seen takes PVC pipes slightly larger than the blunts and makes a bundle. This bundle is then covered with linen or leather to look like a quiver. This has the advantage that your arrows don't get tangled, but it gets very bulky or carries few arrows. I have seen many archers use basket quivers, which lets them carry a large amount, but does require care when drawing arrows. It might take a while to find a quiver setup that works for you. Talk to people and get advice.
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Samurai Combat Archer at Gulf Wars in Lumberton, MS |
This brings me to a slightly adjacent point: I always tell people who want to do combat archery that it’s a good idea to authorize heavy as well. It gives you the option to fight when you run out of ammo, but also there are many more heavy combat events in the year than combat archery events. You already have the armour so there is no additional investment, and you get the chance to play that much more. This could just be my thinking, but I am authorized in both Combat Archery and Heavy Combat, and I am authorized in Rapier just in case that's what people are fighting on any given day.
Combat archers are one of the really cool parts of the SCA: it's what helps us recreate battles as opposed to just tourneys. It can be a ton of fun to get out there and just loose arrows, and it can fit in within a variety of time periods. One can easily do a Viking Age persona whose focus is archery. I hope this post has given you some of the information you need to get started, and as always, if you have any questions or if I missed anything let me know!Resources
Analysis of Weapons Used in the Sagas by the Hurstwic Institute- Bow by the Hurstwic Institute-
Viking Military Organization-
Trimaris Marshall’s Webpage-
Northstar Archery-